Science and Faith: The Script

November 23, 2012

We are not always sure about things in our lives. Many thing, issues go rather unnoticed. In the routine of things we are not always concerned for the most urgent issues and this is because of a learned ignorance that we practice all along.

We don’t really know much about much. Our world is a phase for us, we have all different colored illusions going on inside our mind and by far we believe that it is the truth. This in spite of the many contrary observations and experiences that we come across in our daily lives. With the passing of time, age, responsibilities our energies start to reduce and we constantly lose the intention to ask the right questions.

Eventually life takes us through to a kind of learned ordinariness where we are just content with little simple answers and wish not for more complication. Very obvious are the observations now, we are scared of all the different people now. Anything that is out of the boundary of ordinariness, well, we are plain scared. And we ask not questions no more, we pass judgments and banish the extraordinary from the fabric of a mundane society.

Analyzing the truth, no matter how weird, ugly or out-of-the-box it may be is one of the prime duties of anyone who wishes to learn. And no matter how old we are, we are always learners.


What made me a writer was this.


Moments spent with yourself, away from a noisy world are treasures. Yes. And even if you are in a place where it is not a necessity, it still makes sense. And why? Because it is a transforming experience… always.

Allow yourself a few days so far away that no one can reach you and nothing can engage you, perhaps you will know what it is that I am talking about. We are all creatures of habits today, especially selfish and meaningless habits. When this changes all of a sudden, we are speechless and disturbed beyond measure, at least in the beginning. Yet with time, the change starts to change you and you begin to open a new page of yourself.

Meditation is practiced to this extent because of the same reason, it liberates, it transforms something that cannot be described in words.

Silence brings out a side of you that you never thought existed, a way of living that you never thought was possible and you begin to live the contrary and that makes you open your heart to life. From that point on you are a changed person, a liberated person and this is what people regularly experience when something phenomenal crosses their paths and transforms them.

I have not been writing on this blog for a while, almost a month. But then there were thoughts nonetheless that kept cropping up all the time. I chose not to write, sometimes a person cannot bring themselves, or force themselves, to do certain things even though it may seem like the ideal thing to do.

I could not start writing for a time, it was like a silent spell that said I had to wait for the right time. And though I do not believe in things of the kind, intuitively I feel these things have a chance to be true. And why not? Ask yourself.

You back off from certain things, activities, and you may not always have a reasonable excuse for that, and yet you do back off and you cannot regret the step. You were right for some mysterious reason you are not even aware of.

Silence in life is one such force, especially if you are in the habit or on a life journey whereby expression is a key to your existence. It can be difficult for a talkative person to keep quiet for long, so it is for a writer to not write for long.

And yet it does bear the sweetest of results for the achievers. Because when you do indeed sit and write at a later time when  inspiration strikes, you are bursting with words and ideas and your fingers type on their own, dictated by your excited heart. Great isn’t it?


Analysis is Paralysis

Analysis is Paralysis (Photo credit: Poldavo (Alex))

Be it prose or poem, overthinking kills a word like none. It kills the essence of the thought, that instinct that prompted an action in the very first place.

Thoughts are best allowed to flow, instead of stopping them and inspecting them with every turn they take.

I realize this each time when I am writing and I think about my readers and edit back a few lines. That is something I try to avoid, and yet if made a habit it can be a nasty thing.

You keep editing till nothing of the original is left and then you are just another writer with another something to say like thousands that went before you.

Paths walked the first time is brilliance or genius, as they call it. However, once you start walking with a lot of hesitation and doubt, well, you are certainly going to stumble and fall in some crevice, breaking your legs for good.

Too much caution is harmful too, as I often realize. The same goes with writing habits and it is something that can suck out the life from your words over the years.

I am not against a considerable thought, yet if you are at something for hours and are unable to get a new pitch, well, perhaps that first thing should be allowed to be there as it is, without a replacement with a second inferior choice.

Things we never talk about.

November 10, 2012

I have a beautiful relationship with my sister. We talk about things that are perhaps very rare in conversations. Deep and enriching thoughts about life, soul, creativity and the future.

It is important for me to keep motivating her, telling her that she can be best in whatever it is that she tries to accomplish in her life.

My role as a sister demands that I be that person in her life to let her know who she is to herself and to the world. There are friends whom I guide as well, when times make it necessary, but it is nothing like what I have with my sister.

Life would have been such an incomplete experience if I had not had her to share this experience with.

I keep thanking God all the time for this beautiful gift, this relationship.

And do I tell these things to her? Well, how often do we try to do that? It is difficult for me to express it to her face as I express it to my page. And it is damn hard. I don’t want her to see that side of me where I am so much in love with her. And there is that conviction that maybe she may not take it as seriously as she is supposed to and shake it off like some random remark.

Things most of us never talk about are the ones that tell others in our lives about how much we really love them and what it means to us to have them. Its universal, its true in every life, in every relationship. We are always scared of that moment when we just fade off in their hearts and we don’t want that.