Analysis is Paralysis

Analysis is Paralysis (Photo credit: Poldavo (Alex))

Be it prose or poem, overthinking kills a word like none. It kills the essence of the thought, that instinct that prompted an action in the very first place.

Thoughts are best allowed to flow, instead of stopping them and inspecting them with every turn they take.

I realize this each time when I am writing and I think about my readers and edit back a few lines. That is something I try to avoid, and yet if made a habit it can be a nasty thing.

You keep editing till nothing of the original is left and then you are just another writer with another something to say like thousands that went before you.

Paths walked the first time is brilliance or genius, as they call it. However, once you start walking with a lot of hesitation and doubt, well, you are certainly going to stumble and fall in some crevice, breaking your legs for good.

Too much caution is harmful too, as I often realize. The same goes with writing habits and it is something that can suck out the life from your words over the years.

I am not against a considerable thought, yet if you are at something for hours and are unable to get a new pitch, well, perhaps that first thing should be allowed to be there as it is, without a replacement with a second inferior choice.