Unconditional understanding.

June 22, 2012

What the world really seeks is a relationship where the other person will understand you more than yourself.

A kind of unconditional understanding that binds two people is a perfect example of a lifelong relationship and beyond that sometimes.

I yearn for it in my life. On a soul level I feel like even the best I know just fail to understand what it is that I feel and why. I am not as complicated as it appears to their eyes, its just that they won’t make that necessary effort. Well, that way we are all lazy.

Even while listening to someone else’e problems our mind tends to wander off now and then and we can not really keep track of the frequency of this happening.

But somehow in spite of all the idealism hidden in this thought, I believe that it can be practiced in reality if tried mutually by the two people in a relationship. And it need not be just a romantic kind, it can be almost any kind of relationship and there can be a level of understanding in these unlike any other.

Thoughts shared is wisdom attained and its through exchange of thoughts that true friends can ever be made :)