
April 22, 2014

i look beside me
i see you walking
with a twisted heart

you say you can see
how and why you lie to me
i have always wondered

understanding is a huge burden
how do you carry it
upon your spec sized heart?

you hear me as if
you can see through me
yet your eyes are so cold

the wind, the people walking
even the sights turn your attention
away from my words… so easily

i get hurt just by looking at
how ridiculous my reflections
appear in your eyes to me

should i keep walking
because i feel like carrying
a mountain upon my back

its hard to keep pace
with someone like you
who can just not feel anything

my voice, my whispers, my breath
not once have you \heard them
you are blind to my very existence

it seems
that i never was there
in the first place for you

and your world is just
unsoundings of my cries
all gobbled up instantly

in a vacuum of your pride
and in the spotlight of
your own supreme self.

Thoughts shared is wisdom attained and its through exchange of thoughts that true friends can ever be made :)